Pinging sitemap.xml is the act of informing search engines about new blog posts or updated pages by submitting their URLs to search engine crawlers..
This tool sends your sitemap to crawler bots in a mass manner. : Google, Bing, Yahoo, ZyBorg, Altavista, Baidu, DuckDuckBot, Applebot, Twitterbot, BLEXBot, MJ12bot, and Sogou
The benefits of pinging a sitemap are:
  • Assisting search engines in discovering your new blog posts more quickly.
  • Increasing the likelihood of your blog posts being indexed and ranked in search results.
  • Enhancing the visibility of your blog posts to potential readers.


    However, it is important to note that pinging a sitemap is not a guarantee that your blog posts will be indexed or ranked. Search engines still utilize various factors to determine which pages will be indexed and ranked, and pinging a sitemap is just one of those factors.

    Default URL sitemap for Blogger/Blogspot: atau
    Default URL sitemap for Wordpress:
    If you are using the YOAST plugin, the URL of the sitemap is:
    Ensure that your pages have meta tags like this to allow search engine robots to crawl your content:
    <meta name="robots" content="Index, Follow"/>